Silo Stress Tool (Freeware)

... calculates stresses in silos and bins with simple geometry (e.g. a vertical section plus a hopper). The calculation can be performed for the filling stress state (stress state after an empty silo has been filled) and for the discharge stress state (valid after some bulk solid has been discharged from a mass flow silo).
The program calculates mean vertical stress and wall normal stress at various heights between the top of the filling and the outlet opening. From the results it can be seen to which stresses a bulk solid is subjected when flowing or stored in a silo. With this information it is possible, for example, to choose the appropriate stress level for a flow property test (comparative test, flowability test). The knowledge of the vertical stress at the outlet opening can help when designing the motor drive of a feeder. The program is not applicable for silo design for strength, because for this different approaches and additional safety factors are required (refer, e.g., to the German silo code DIN 1991-4, or Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 4: Silos and tanks).
Since the dependence of the bulk density on the stress can be taken into account by the program, it is possible to obtain a fairly good assessment of the mass of bulk solid contained in a silo at a certain filling level, if reliable measurement values of the bulk density vs. stress function are entered to the program. Besides the mass, also the volume of the filling is calculated. A conical heap on top of the filling can also be taken into account.
More information on the assessment of stresses in silos you will find on this website (see Essays).
Conditions of use of the program, disclaimer
Please note: This software is freeware. There is no warranty or responsibility by the author. The software is provided on an "as is" basis, without any other warranties, or conditions, expressed or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantable quality, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or those arising by law, statute, usage of trade or course of dealing. The entire risk as to the results and and performance of the software is assumed by you. We will not have any liability to you or any other person or entity for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages whatsoever, including but not limited to loss of revenue or profit, lost or damaged data or other commercial or economic loss, even if we had been advised of the possibility of such damages or they are foreseeable; or for claims by a third party.
If you agree to the terms above, download SILO STRESS TOOL with the link given below.
Information on the program
SILO STRESS TOOL Version (filename: SSTOOL_SETUP.EXE, approx. 2.6 MB, last upload on September 14, 2024), German/English version (bilingual) for Microsoft Windows® 7/8/10/11*. SSTOOL_SETUP.EXE is an installation program and installs Silo Stress Tool on your computer.
In case that you will find errors in the program, please keep us informed.
Link to download Silo Stress Tool: DOWNLOAD SILO STRESS TOOL.
* Microsoft Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Windows® 10, and Windows® 11 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp., U.S.A.
Technical modifications and errors excepted.